The Infidel Task Force

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Oooooo....lets not offend the muslims

Let's Not “Offend” the Muslims*
1) › Featured
May 4, 2011 – If some Muslims want to get upset and behead a few people because ... We do not mean to suggest that all Muslims loved bin Laden or that all ...
Upset by Ellison's criticisms, Bradlee Dean says Muslim Democrat ...
Jun 6, 2011 – Upset by Ellison's criticisms, Bradlee Dean says Muslim Democrat wants to overthrow ... What is it you don't like about who we are Keith? ...
Toy store goes PC mad with pig ban | The Sun |News
Nov 16, 2010 – Muslims, Jews, Christian Seventh-Day Adventists and Rastafarians all consider pork taboo. ... a kids' toy farm set — in case it upset Muslim and Jewish parents. ... Fellow Muslim mum Natasha added: "If you don't want your kid ...
Muslim cabbies upset with being forced to advertise strip clubs ...
Jul 22, 2011 – Muslim cabbies upset about being forced to advertise strip clubs. ... If you don't want to wear hot pants and tight tops, don't apply for a job at ...
American Muslims upset over FBI 'trap' techniques (24Dec10 ...

5) 24, 2010 - 3 min - Uploaded by liarpoliticians
American Muslims are upset that they feel the FBI are targeting then ... My message to muslims is.. integrate of emigrate ...
More videos for dont want to upset the muslims »
Muslims Upset Over 9-11 Coloring Book : News, Opinion, Truth ...
Aug 31, 2011 – And why would atheist attend a religious meeting when they don't even believe in God…and do we really want to be part of the Islamic faith? ...
Islam in Europe: Scotland: Muslims upset about dog in police advert
Jul 1, 2008 – The advert has upset Muslims because dogs are considered ritually ... The Police should have made a public statement: Muslims don't like ...

Just for laughs I typed in "Lets not upset the muslims" in the Google search field. These links are what I came up with. Take a look at the varied subjects that seem to get the muslims riled...toy pigs, dogs, signs. But also notice that we censor ourselves. And thus we fall right into their hands.

I had breakfast the other morning with my cousin, who happens to be a teacher in the local school. I was astounded to learn that American traditional holidays are being re-vamped or removed out of the school system. The Board of Education is taking steps so as not to offend any one religion. It doesn't matter that no one has ever complained, they want to step right up and prevent it from ever happening.

The more I listened the more I understood that it wasn't just political correctness but also the removal of anything known as or displayed as Christianity from the holiday scene. Oh could have a menorah, but not the nativity.

This reminded me of the principal in a Massachusetts grammer school that singled handedly eliminated Columbus Day (because of the atrocities that Columbus may have done to the native population), cancelled Halloween (because of the relation to witchcraft and sorcery) and she may or may not cancel Thanksgiving Day decorations. (She hadn't decided yet) This is ONE person. Not a board or committee. One person to make these decisions. She has the power to control what those children think, learn and do in that school. And you as a parent do nothing. Time to stop that shit.

....but back to not offending the muslims.....

I am willing to wager that when the muslims reach a majority in any given town, city or state, you will see the leaders bending over backwards to let them do whatever they wish. After all we don't want any violence, now do we? We don't want them offended. Heavens no!! It would ruin our image as a country and citizenry of compassionate people.

Here's most schools around the country...the atrocity of 9/11 is not even being taught. GASP!! if you have school age children, just ask them how is the Radical Islamic attack of 911 presented. You may be very surprised at what you hear.

So maybe our gutless, gullible, political corrected liberal, progressive, spineless leaders are taking us down the road where we will no longer have any American traditions, thus lighting the way for the multi-cultural ideologies invading this country.

No maybes about it. Our children will suffer for what these fools are doing.

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