The Infidel Task Force

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

They intend to shut us up!

They intend to shut us up!!

   The Islamic conference has a plan. That plan is to bring Islam into a better and brighter light. But the problem we all can see is, Islam will never take any responsibility, accountability not any blame. They will point the finger at Freedom of Speech and of the press. They will point to the anti-jihad bloggers and say its all our fault that Islam is made to look bad. We are to blame, not Islam, not the Koran, not any muslim terrorist.
    Now if the UN lets Resolution 16/18 pass, what will happen? Is everybody going to be told not to denigrate Islamists? Are we going to have to shut own our web sites, because there are an awful lot of anti-jihad sites. Mine included. I guess it will end up looking like the picture below.
    The majority of Americans in this country are not well versed with this concern. Many are too busy with families, working and trying to stay alive and healthy. They do not know, and in most cases they just don't care that 57 Islamic countries have an agenda to take our free speech away from us. Those of us that do know and truly understand what is happening, have the responsibility to inform their fellow Americans. This can be a difficult job, when you have political leaders ignoring or keeping silent about any reference to Islamic dirty tricks. In doing so, they put every American in danger.
  Let's not forget our left wing college professors teaching our students that Islam is the Religion of Peace and have no intention of competing with our constitution. This is also happening in our elementary schools today as well. Put the liberal main stream media protecting and making excuses for their good muslim buddies, and knowing Saudi Arabia throws investment money at CNN and FOX kind of puts us in a very dangerous handicap.

    One sentence direct from the resolution, pretty much sums it all up:

  "Expresses deep concern at the continued serious instances of derogatory stereotyping, negative profiling and stigmatization of persons based on their religion or belief, as well as programmes and agendas pursued by extremist organizations and groups aimed at creating and perpetuating negative stereotypes about religious groups, in particular when condoned by Governments;"

   Now this is all when and good. Protect people from derogatory and denigrating instances. Stop the negative profiling, and shut down organizations that stigmatize persons or religions. All well and good, but what they don't list nor make public is the true meaning, and that is...don't speak not act against Islam. Islamists do not give a flying fuck if you call Jews, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists or any other religion the "derogatory and stigmatizing names". They couldn't care less if you set up "programmes" to insult them. And they certainly aren't going to care if people set up web sites to defame and belittle any other religion but Islam.

   What Islamists WILL do , is continue to call Jews "pigs and apes". They will not stop calling non-muslims Infidels and Kafirs. Muslim clerics will continue making those anti-American or anti-Jew videos and posting them around the world. Muslims will continue their planned genocide of Christians in the Middle East and Northern Africa, and the Islamic boots of Boko Haram will continue their march to South Africa. Nothing will change with the muslim world, the changes will be in the free world....maybe. At least the OIC thinks so.

  My understanding of the UN Resolution 16/18 is to "prevent any derogatory or defamation of any kind towards any religion, if it leads to incitement." My question would be...who will determine what is inciteful ? Congress? The United Nations? The OIC? Who? I don't like anyone telling me what i can and cannot say. Especially if its someone from another country. Especially is its someone from another country that doesn't have the freedom of speech, press and expression as we Americans have. No freakin' way!

   Lastly, and I leave this to give you something to ponder....Doesn't any resolution, law or UN ruling, have to go through our Congress? Doesn't the American people have their say in this resolution? Believe me, if the majority of Americans discovered that the UN, the OIC or even our own Congress is attempting to monitor or limit our Constitutional right of free speech, there is going to be a revolution. We will not stand for it.
   If all else fails...we call Bill O'Reilly.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Meeting David Gaubatz

    On October 3rd I had the opportunity to meet David Gaubatz. David is known for dispatching  a team of undercover researchers into the offices of the Council on American Islamic Relations. One member of the team was his son Chris. The documents Chris and the team obtained are the basis of his book Muslim Mafia. I interviewed Gaubatz in 2012 and it turned out to be one of the most popular of all the interviews.

    Mr.Gaubatz opened the evening by giving his audience an eye opening brief on UN Resolution 16/18. As many of us know, 16/18 is a resolution that calls on nations to prohibit speech that allegedly "defames" religion. What it doesn't say is that the resolution is aimed for the west and non-muslim countries. Of course the Islamist bastards will still be able to scream all the anti-Christian and anti-Semetic profanity  they can broadcast.

   I found David Gaubatz to be extremely knowledgeable in Islam.  He lived in Iraq among the Iraqi people. He spoke their language and did business with them. When asked why he did it David answered:
"Children do not cause wars. I was there to help the people who helped us and to help their children to grow up."
    Gaubatz explained the different branches of Islam in extreme detail and you got clear picture that every Islamic  faction detests the other.
One hates the other. Sulafis detest the Shite, who hate the Sunni, and they all want to eradicate the Alawites.

My interest was piqued when he said that "There are 2300 mosques  in the United States and 75 to 80% publish and distribute radical literature. The more Shariah adherent the mosque is, the more likely they are teaching violence and hatred." Giving an example that few people knew about was the mass shooting at  Trolley Square in Salt Lake City on February 12th 2007, by a lone gunman. The shooter killed five bystanders and wounded four others before being shot dead by  police. When the shouts of  "Allahu Akbar" on a video of the rampage, the FBI suggested religious radicalism as a possible motive.

   The media broadcasts incidents constantly from all over the world of the atrocity of rampaging muslims. It seems many of their blood thirsty riots are done on a Friday right after prayers. It leaves little doubt that the cleric in the mosque is creating an atmosphere of evil, stirring up these people. Generally with lies and hatred for the Jews and the Christians. These are not peaceful riots, but violent and usually end up with burned churches and dead innocents.

   How can people, if they should be called people and not savages, receive the sympathy they do from the leftists and liberal? The Muslim Brotherhood states openly they will convert the world to Islam, with or without our consent. This is the  Islamic doctrine. Congressmen and senators on both sides receive money from the Muslim Brotherhood.  You could see the shocked looks on the audience faces when Gaubatz made that statement. When asked how do we fight them, Gaubatz answered with a fighting insight. "Start branding muslim organizations!! They hate Jews, Christians and America. Don't be afraid to use your voice. Don't be afraid to combine muslim and terrorism"

Giving a bit of attention on his book Muslim Mafia, David outlined on how the removal of the 12000 documents occurred and what the result was when CAIR found out Gaubatz had them. CAIR sued to get the documents back. All 12000 of them. Now these documents show clearly that CAIR was operating illegally and performing illegal financial activity. Gaubaz WANTED this taken to court, because that would be the only way to get CAIR to admit the documents belong to them. 

   So when  Ahmed Al-Shehab, the founder of the Islamic organization, demanded to be given back the documents, the judge asked: "Do you really want to say that?"
   Ahmed answered "Yes."
   Gaubatz said, " that point we got what we wanted."
  Simply put, demanding the documents be returned to them, CAIR admits the documents belong to them. All 12000 documents. Listing illegal activity in detail. Many of the papers and files are now in the hands of the US Government.

  I learned a lot from David Gaubatz and I hope to have the opportunity to interview him once more. He is intelligent, compelling and a very brave human being. We are lucky to have him.

Friday, September 27, 2013

The Hands Of Islam Are Bloody

Enough is enough!!

  Lets stop jackassing around and fix the blame.  Almost 40 conflicts are currently occurring in the world and muslims are involved in almost every one. Not Eskimos, not Hawaiians, not Polish….MUSLIMS.
  On September 11 of 2001 nineteen muslim fanatics hijacked four planes and flew them into the twin Towers in New York City. Slammed them into the Pentagon in Washington DC. While the fourth crashed in a field in Pennsylvania thanks to American heroes on board.

The killers:  MUSLIM

   In  2008 twelve coordinated shooting and bombing attacks across Mumbai, India's largest city  were conducted by members of Lashkar-e-Taiba. Ajmal Kasab, the only attacker who was captured alive, later confessed upon interrogation that the attacks were conducted with the support of Pakistan's ISI.  At the end 164 people were dead.  

The killers: MUSLIM

   In  September 2004 the Beslan school hostage crisis occurred (also referred to as the Beslan school siege or Beslan massacre) of early 2004.  It lasted three days and involved the capture of over 1,100 people as hostages (including 777 children), ending with the death of over 380 people. The crisis began when a group of armed Islamic separatist militants walked into the school and took over. When it was over 186 children were killed.

The killers: MUSLIM

   While we are in Russia it turns out that Chechnya  in April of 2012 — Chechnya's government openly approved  of families that kill female relatives who violate their sense of honor, as this Russian republic embraces a fundamentalist interpretation of Islam after decades of religious suppression under Soviet rule.  Bodies of dozens of young Chechen women have been found dumped in woods, abandoned in alleys and left along roads in the capital, Grozny, and neighboring villages. That is legitimizing murder for the sake of Islam. How more repulsive can you get? Is honor killing pervasive in Christianity? NO! Buddism? NO! Do the Jews kill for honor? Hell NO!! Only Islam.

The killers: Muslims

  On the 22 of May in the UK, an armed Islamic jihadi beheaded a soldier in broad daylight and spoke directly to the world on a video. The killer named Adebolajo is seen on video holding a bloody cleaver and referring to the Qur'an to explain why he murdered the soldier, Rigby.  By the way, he plead not guilty today.

The killer: MUSLIM

   Now let’s visit Kenya. A beautiful day inside a shopping mall, thousands of people, mothers, fathers children, never expecting what would happen next. Armed to the teeth with weapons and an ideology of terror, radical Islamist invaded the mall and started the elimination of Christians. Muslims were told to leave. The Christians were not as lucky, some were shot and died instantly. Others died a very slow and tortuous death. It has come out that many of the hostages were found to be tortured.
   Fingers were pulled off with pliers. Testicles were chopped off. Eyes were gouged. Children were found in freezers with knives still remaining in the bodies. Some had their throats slit and pushed off of balconies.  This is the mind of the Islamist.
  This is savagery and slaughter caused by a violent and blood thirsty cult of killers.
It doesn’t matter what causes it because no one can or will change it. We know what drives these savages to do what they do, but no one can stop it. In fact Islamic clerics and Islamic leaders are the foremost instigators of death and destructions.  In the end 68 were dead, hundreds wounded.

The killers: MUSLIM

     This last act of savagery was the last straw. It is time to stand up, speak up and tell the Islamic world we are through with muslim butchery. We are through with the muslims around the world calling for sympathy and victimhood.   We are through with muslims killing innocents around the world and blaming the victims.  We want action from our leaders now!!  ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!
   Throughout the middle east and Africa, Christians are fleeing their homes. Islamist openly tell the world  if you’re not a muslim, you’re dead. They are not hiding anything. They openly tell us!! “Stay in our lands you convert or die. “ 
    And the muslim organizations in America do nothing, say nothing. When they do, it’s to showcase how muslims in America are the poor, poor victims. Believe me….they are NOT victims. Whatever they get, they deserve. Because they say nothing, they do nothing; they stay quiet until their leaders tell them what to do. And when they reach a significant population, only then will people start to hear them, hear their demands, and maybe then, we will wake up.
   Islam creates killers. The media loves them, sympathizes with them, protects them, and stands up for them.
   Islam is well versed in slaughter. They have been doing it for 1400 years, and it continues today.  Only when the towers went down in 2001 did our eyes open. And even then our leaders and media around the world denied Islam was at fault. The still do today.

The killers: MUSLIM

   From London to France to the Philippines and  Indonesia. From Libya to Sudan to Iran and Turkey. From Somalia to Tunisia to Pakistan and Afghanistan.  Everywhere Islam goes, so goes violence.
   It’s time we stem the violence of innocents. It’s time to arm the people with the weapons they need to protect themselves.  It’s time to draw the line on Islamic savagery and stick to it! It’s time to tell the UN to its job or get out!!  There is a genocide occurring. I have stated that for years now.  How long does it have to go on, how many more will have to die before something is done? Islam will not change.  We cannot force it into peace, or submission. But what we can do is protect the people that may be affected by Islamic violence. How?  A good way to start would be  speaking up about its repulsive nature. By standing up with fellow infidels and showing the world proof of Islamic thirst for blood. Elect officials that truly understand the nature of Islam. 

We have to start. 

The hands of Islam are bloody.

9/30/13 - BBJ

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Time To Stand Together

THEY attacked us on September 11 2001. The death toll was 2998 innocent people. Muslims danced in the streets. Since then Radical Islamists have been killing American citizens who have done nothing but lived their lives and loved their country. In 2010 a muslim cleric wanted to open a mosque two minutes walking distance from the Twin Towers. American patriots stood up against it. They offer NO apologies, they give NO respect.
  This September 11th, muslims plan a "Million Muslim March" on Washington DC to show their alliance against "injustices". "INJUSTICES"!!  They should march with their heads down and be ashamed for who they are!! They give NO respect to this country or its people who have given them everything they have wanted. And they still want more. Muslims want to be superior in any land they plant their assess in. In Europe muslim youths protest, riot, rape and create violence for their adopted countrymen. They terrorize the populace with hatred and violence. In the US Muslim organizations such as CAIR threaten and carry out law suits against anyone who tells the truth about Islam. THIS is how they shut us up. NO RESPECT!!.
  Americans treat their neighbors and friends in friendly manner. Not all Americans, but most  do . There is no animosity from most Americans. But muslim Americans say they get no respect. They are bullied. They are being targeted by the FBI, the police, the CIA, Homeland security, the PTA, Infidel Task Force and just about everyone in general. Foreign born muslims scream louder, foreign born Islamic clerics speak the loudest. And those are the guys that cause the most trouble.
  Now muslims intend on marching in Washington DC. And when do they intend to march? On the anniversary of the day  they sent their vicious savage killers to crash into two skyscrapers, explode FOUR  aircraft and kill as many Americans as they can. Its not a march against "injustice", its a VICTORY march and don't let anyone say differently. Its a victory march for the savages that killed our fathers, mothers, sisters and brothers and friends and lovers on our land. And it will not stop, it will happen again.
  Lets put our hands together and stand with our heads held high. Let us shout with our voices and that we will not be afraid, we will not back down. Spread the word onto every web site, every blog, all  social media and newspaper that we can get too. America is not afraid, we will not be threatened. We will not deter in our goal of removing radical Islam from our shore.
    Americans will not let one of the saddest days in history be disrespected by violent induced savages. They will not take that from us. They will not change our Constitution, nor our freedoms. They will not take from us the right to speak our minds and hearts, and if they are offended, they can do what the good Christians do and that is to turn the other cheek. It is time to stand together and fight  the people who wish to rule us, to kill us, to conquer us. Time to be Americans!!

Let our voices speak loud and clear and strong. Together we will stand up against this radical ideology and together we will sever the Bloody Hands of Islam!!

Friday, May 10, 2013

The Infidel Task Force web site has been shut down.

       The Infidel Task Force web site has been shut down. And you folks who frequent this page should know what happened.
I guess the bottom line is, the ITF site is down and out. Just like credit card thievery, you never expect to get hacked, but it happens. The site used to get an average of 250 to 300 hits a day. Pretty damn good for us. Then last November my bandwidth suddenly leaped to ten times its max.
Bandwidth is the amount of space that you're allowed to have per site. The more people who visit your site, the more bandwidth used.
I was allotted 500 GIG of bandwidth, and that is quite a lot. It accumulates for an entire month, then is wiped clean to start from zero. I would usually end the 30 day day period around 8 GIG used. That's no where near the 500 GIG allowed.
Well last November the bandwidth shot sky high (850 GIG) and the site was down for two weeks. It seems this hacker has the capability of fooling the system into thinking thousands of visitors were entering the site, thus overloading the allowed bandwidth and shutting down the site.The ..told me it was a Denial of Service attack and they would work with me.... and they did. Everyday WEBS would clear the bandwidth and keep my site up and running. The hackers got tired and soon quit. I thought that would be the end of it. It wasn't.
It happened again in February. ITF was down for three weeks. My badgering e-mails to WEBS did no good. Finally the site was cleared and back up. Since the site is not open to comments, the readers had only one way to contact me. Some did, most did not and my readership dropped way down. It never really came back. WEBS did nothing to help.
Now for the third time in six months the site was attacked again. I guess WEBS now thinks I am abusing the system and told me I was off their servers. No warning. Nothing.
I have no idea who they are or where they come from. But they do have the ability to shut sites down. The Infidel Task Force was one of them. Yes I got my share of hate mails, but you never take them serious. Until you see what they can do.
As for the future....I'm not sure at this point. I have all my interviews backed up, I felt those were the most important aspect of the site. Some graphics, at least the important ones. That's it. I must admit, I have looked into two other web hosting sites...but I'm thinking take the summer off and see what happens in the autumn. The ITF still has the other sites... Twitter and I may concentrate on those for awhile. I'm really not certain. Annie is a good friend down in Florida and she runs our Facebook page. Annie does an outstanding job but asked if I could assist her this summer. She needs some breathing room for a bit, so that should keep me busy.

I have spoken to Gates of Vienna, although I cannot remember her name at this time. Pam Geller of Atlas Shrugs recommended I get with Glenn from The Religion Of said I should investigate might just do that. All my contributors have responded with concern, suggestions and hope.
That's it folks!! Sorry to have to give you the bad news. But until the time that the ITF rises again from the ashes....and I certainly hope it does....please visit and sign up with the Infidel Task Force Blogspot web site. That one is interactive like this.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Lets Pave Pakistan and Put up a Parking Lot

Lets Pave Pakistan and Put up a Parking Lot
 Remember that great old Joni Mitchel tune from the 1960's? "They paved Paradise and put up a parking lot"? Well I was bored tonight, slow news day and all. So I managed to alter the lyrics to keep up with our subject matter......enjoy.
While your at it, be sure to  read the lyrics to the tune of They Paved Paradise....its more fun that way....

Lets pave Pakistan and put up a parkin' lot
With a holy church, liquor stores, and a swingin' gay spot
Don't it always seem to go
That we know what we got and wish it was gone
Lets pave Pakistan and put up a parkin' lot

They burn all the churches , and drag the men through the streets
And they kill the ones who say Islam is crap
Don't it always seem to go
That we know what we got and wish it was gone
Lets pave Pakistan and put up a parkin' lot

Hey muslim muslim leave us alone,
Stay in the rat holes you love to call home
Don't it always seem to go
That we know what we got and wish it was gone
Lets pave Pakistan and put up a parkin' lot
Hey now, lets pave Pakistan and put up a parking lot
Why not?

Listen, late last night, heard the screen door slam
Big stinkin muslims  took my girl away
Don't it always seem to go
That we know what we got and wish it was gone
Lets pave Pakistan and put up a parkin' lot
Hey now, lets pave Pakistan and put up a parking lot
Why not?

Hey now, lets pave Pakistan and put up a parking lot
Hey now, lets pave Pakistan and put up a parking lot

Sunday, January 20, 2013

The Longhorn Project

The Longhorn Project
     What if you could start a project that would help to feed and sustain millions of people for the rest of their lives? Would you do it? Most people would say "Of course." But only a few will actually take the challenge and plunge into it with full steam. Robin Rosenblatt actually did it.
I was recently introduced to an organization  that is currently  struggling to get off the ground. It is called The Longhorn Project, and its goal is to bring Texas Longhorn cattle to Israel. Why the Longhorn? Because what Israel has now is the beef cattle of America. A breed that is used to temperate grassy plains and moderate temperatures.  They were put into Israel’s hostile desert environment where there is little or no grass. Because of that, these cattle lost resiliency to diseases and lowered birth rates. Predators  like jackals and wolves  took advantage of the docile nature and continue to kill the cattle population.
 The area is completely hostile and attacks by local Arabs is never ending. Israeli ranches are being attacked, their land is being stolen and their passive European cattle are being mutilated, ears, noses and even heads are being cut off, and killed by local Palestinians.
 This is where the introduction of the Texas Longhorns will be a viable alternative. These cattle can eat invasive shrubs and cacti, which are overwhelming the Galilee. Longhorns have higher reproduction rates and very low loss rates, which is beneficial for excellent calving and mothering abilities. They can go further and longer with less water and are highly resistant to diseases
The Longhorn is a perfect fit in the Israeli environment.
 click on above to like The Longhorn Project facebook page
   I had the opportunity to talk to Robin Rosenblatt, the coordinator of the Texas Longhorn Project, and I learned that its far from complete and with miles to go.
 “I’m doing this personally because there is no committee, and I need help. I guess you could say I’m looking for a business man to guide us.”
 Seeing that Rosenblatt is from the west coast, I asked if he has managed to secure funding from the left wingers in Hollywood. He told me that only Chuck Norris responded with funding. No other assistance was forthcoming.  To his dismay, and as many of us already know…Hollywood is in love with the Palestinians, and they create many of the roadblocks.
 To date Rosenblatt has sent out hundreds of e-mails daily. Thousands of letters looking for those individuals that can help make this dream a reality. In order to achieve this he puts in ten hours a day. Vacations are not in the plan.
  “It is a constant struggle.”  Listening to him talk I could hear the weariness in his voice. This is a man with a vision, but he must climb mountains first
The goal is to capture $265, 000.00 to obtain sustainability. But even if the funds start trickling in, he can move forward. This is a life time achievement, and a mission that many people never get to attain. Think of the benefits to a people that need the food to live their lives. The benefits to a country that truly deserves it.
All he needs is support. Our support.  You and me.
 Visit The Longhorn Project

Friday, January 18, 2013

Let the brainwashing begin

Let the brainwashing begin 
   Has anyone been watching the Oliver Stone series: "The Untold History of the United States." on Showtime network. I haven't. My stomach cannot take smelly putrid propaganda and lies like it used too. I'm sure if you watched it, you would agree.
   Here is a classic, glowing and brilliant example of how someone...and in this case a dangerous left leaning liberal Hollywood stoner (pardon the pun) can gather all his Hollywood friends and their cash....and make a series of lies. In doing so this man can change history. Anyone with a ton of money and a big enough soapbox can do it. Powerful people in powerful circles can make movies, write books, give speeches, and because the American people are so in awe of them, they listen.
America is full of people with a strong loud voice. Some are patriots, others are there to subvert the American culture, way of life, and most certainly our history. And the way to change history to suit your ideals, is to aim it toward the impressionable. In most cases that is the small children, the youth, college students and the mentally handicapped (which is about 52% of America). Those that voted for Obama. 
 These changes occur all the time. Only a certain segment of the population hears about them. I may catch some, you may catch others. But when you start spreading lies to people of a young age, they will believe you. That's because: 1) They trust you. 2) They weren't around when the incident actually occurred

 Joseph Goebbels, remember him? Well only if you've heard of World War Two and the Hitler glory days. Goebbels was a German politician and Reich Minister of Propaganda in Nazi Germany from 1933 to 1945. He is best known for his quote:
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.
 Islamists in the Middle East have that down pat. They learned well. Now the liberal American media is doing exactly the same. If you feel that America is oppressing the poor, the weak, the maligned and not serving enough gratuities to the minorities, then by all means, lets make a movie and change the course of history. HELL!! Lets make an  entire series and change the past as well. No one will catch on. And those that do...well, we'll just drown them out, because our voices are bigger then theirs.
Are you starting to catch on?
 Oliver Stone is not alone. Micheal Moore, the fat guy with lotsa money and a bloated ego, likes to throw his weight...and it is enormous...into telling all our young how better it would be if everyone believed like he does. "Hey!! I support those Occupy Wall Streeters." Of course you do. But if those Occupiers knew how you live and how much money you have socked away in the bank, their tune would quickly change. again...if you can bluff your audience for ninety minutes, dollar signs appear in your eyes. Right Chubby?
 Anyways, back to my point. Oliver Stone is pushing propaganda. He must feel he is Obamas appointed Minister of lies, Falsehoods and Untruths, because he sure acts like it.
 The bottom line is if you have the money, the connections, the audience, you can change the past, and in doing so, you can change the future.
 - BlackbootJack

Monday, January 14, 2013

 This commentary is in response to an article recently published on the Huffington Post. The article dealt with the anti-jihad ads currently going up in the metro areas.

To Readers of the Huff Po
 This is incredible. After reading some of the comments from what I assume to be Huffpo "regulars", now I understand why they call the Huffington post the home of the left wing lunatics.
The comments broach Bush and Iraq and religion....none that I could see even touch on the subject of radical Islam and Jihad. Don't you folks get it? Do you not even read the news. Ms Geller knows what she is talking about because she reads and hears what Radical Islamists are doing around the world. EDUCATE yourselves  people!!
Neither Geller nor anyone else supporting these ads are associating muslims with jihad. We associate Jihad with Jihadis, Radical Islamists......SAVAGES!! For anyone else to say otherwise is ludicrous. Those that are against the ads are doing the association, not Geller, not Spencer, not any of us.
 Do any of you know what is going on in North Africa to Christians?
Do you know how many churches have been burned and people slaughtered? All in the name of Islam? NO you don't.
Do any of you realize that Islam in Europe is taking over countries at a rate faster then rabbits can reproduce?
How about Belgium? Whats the capitol of Belgium? Brussels? OH YEAH 25 % muslim in Brussels. In less than 20 years they're expected to be the majority. Then in comes Shariah Law. Maybe the majority of muslims want to live in peace and get along with everyone and respect their countries laws....but that don't mean squat if Islamic leaders want Shariah. Its what the leaders, clerics, mullahs want, and they will dictate to the muslim crowd.
Take your blinders off and look at Islam in the middle East and North Africa. It is not pretty. Muslim in America may be oh so goodie, but muslims overseas are listening to the leaders and they are doing what Islam tells them.
Knock off the "Its all Bush's fault"
You people are basically ignorant of the Islamic threat. Ignorant and blind.
  - Blackboot Jack